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Ukraine's Kiev-based aircraft; the Smolensk-based Kristall production association
the AN-124-100; the Ruslan AN-124-100
a city 250 miles southwest of Moscow

I don't have a lot of money, so charge increases won't have much of an impact on me.


the firm command 30% of the world diamond market
it will cost an estimated $ 100,000 while the other engine would cost 6 to 7 times as much
it will cost him a total of just over $500 million
I send a minimum of 5 to 6 letters per month
I use the mail 3 to 4 times a month


а именно: - namely, viz. (сокр. от videlicet; лат.)

Impelled by the combination of Misfortunes under which I laboured, namely Fear, Cold and Hunger I hesitated not to ask admittance which at length I have gained. Love and Friendship, by Jane Austen This painter, a good father and a good husband, is unable to eradicate from his heart a fatal thought, namely, that artists laugh at his work; that his name is a term of contempt in the studios; and that the feuilletons take no notice of his pictures. Pierre Grassou, by Honore de BalzacI guessed at his question presently, namely, whether I was sure I was not with child? Moll Flanders, by Daniel Defoe I took the freedom one day, after we had talked pretty close to the subject, to tell him that it was true I had received the compliment of a lover from him, namely, that he would take me without inquiring into my fortune, and I would make him a suitable return in this, viz. Moll Flanders, by Daniel Defoe However, the argument I used, namely, of giving him a general release, and never troubling him any more, prevailed effectually with him, and he sent me a bill for the money by a person who brought with him a general release for me to sign. Moll Flanders, by Daniel Defoe To the performance of this feat, however, there was one obstacle: namely, that pocket-handkerchiefs being decided articles of luxury, had been, for all future times and ages, removed from the noses of paupers by the express order of the board, in council assembled: solemnly given and pronounced under their hands and seals. Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens


The fourth includes the cost of the piece of stamped paper on which the account itself appears, as well as the cost of the stamp for re-draft, as it is ingeniously named, viz., the banker's draft upon his colleague in Paris. Eve and David, by Honore de Balzac He is therefore a cousin of Mr. Noel Vanstone's. This last -- viz., Mr. Noel Vanstone -- is in delicate health, and is living on excellent terms with his father in German Place. No Name, by Wilkie Collins I had not so much as a pot to boil anything, except a great kettle, which I saved out of the ship, and which was too big for such as I desired it - viz. to make broth, and stew a bit of meat by itself. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe In this interval the good advice of my father came to my mind, and presently his prediction, which I mentioned at the beginning of this story - viz. that if I did take this foolish step, God would not bless me, and I would have leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his counsel when there might be none to assist in my recovery. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe But I had no need to be venturous, for I had no want of food, and of that which was very good too, especially these three sorts, viz. goats, pigeons, and turtle, or tortoise. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe I need not repeat the arguments which occurred to me against this, they being the same mentioned before; but though I had other reasons to offer now - viz. that those men were enemies to my life, and would devour me if they could; that it was self-preservation, in the highest degree, to deliver myself from this death of a life, and was acting in my own defence as much as if they were actually assaulting me, and the like. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe When we had thus housed and secured our magazine of corn, we fell to work to make more wicker-ware, viz. great baskets, in which we kept it; and the Spaniard was very handy and dexterous at this part, and often blamed me that I did not make some things for defence of this kind of work; but I saw no need of it. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe I left them my firearms - viz. five muskets, three fowling-pieces, and three swords. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe THAT homely proverb, used on so many occasions in England, viz. "That what is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh," was never more verified than in the story of my Life. Robinson Crusoe [Part 2], by Daniel Defoe


Plural Nouns [part2]

  • Как [iz] произносятся также окончания множественного числа имен существительных, оканчивающихся в единственном числе на немое -е с предшествующей буквой s; c; g; z., т.е. оканчивающихся на шипящий или свистящий звук:
    horse - place - prize - judge
    horses - places - prizes - judges
  • Существительное wharf [wO:f]- пристань, причал имеет две формы множественного числа: wharfs, wharves.
  • Существительное penny - пенс имеет форму множественного числа pence, когда речь идет о денежной сумме. Когда же имеются в виду отдельные монеты, то употребляется форма pennies.
  • У ряда существительных форма множественного числа совпадает с формой единственного числа:
    deer - sheep - fish - quid - series - species - spacecraft - aircraft - cannon
    deer - sheep - fish - quid - series - species - spacecraft - aircraft - cannon
    Однако, когда речь идет о различных видах рыб, fish имеет форму множественного числа fishes: In this lake there are fishes of many varieties.
  • Существительное works - завод, заводы употребляется со значением как единственного, так и множественного числа:
    A new glass works has been built near the village (новый стекольный завод был...)
    There are two brick works outside the town (загородом находятся два кирпичных завода)
  • Существительное means - средство, средства также употребляется со значением как единственного, так и множественного числа:
    He found a means of helping them (Он нашел средство помочь им)
    Are there any other means of helping them (Есть ли другие средства помочь им?


  1. Чтобы выразить действие, событие и т.д., которое началось в прошлом, продолжается в настоящем и, возможно, будет продолжаться в будущем: She has been waiting for you since two o'clock; I've been waiting to see you about several important matters. (я хотел (хочу) увидеться с вами, чтобы поговорить о ряде важных дел.); The baby has been crying all morning. (ребенок плачет все утро.); I've been reading the interesting book this week. (предполагается, что я продолжаю читать ее); She has been taken violin lessons this уеar. (предполагается, что она уже училась и продолжает учиться играть на скрипке)
  2. Для выражения уже закончившегося действия, длительность и непрерывность которого надо подчеркнуть (например, для объяснения или оправдания): They have been playing tennis. That's why they're so hot; Please, excuse my dirty clothes. I've been cleaning out the cellar. (чистила погреб); Be careful! John has been painting the door. (еще не высохла) Note: John has painted the door. (краска уже высохла);We have been building a garage on to the house. (мы пристраиваем к дому гараж: особо подчеркивается само протекание процесса, возня и хлопоты, связанные со строительством.)
  3. Для выражения дополнительной эмоциональной окраски (передает раздражение, недовольство, гнев, нетерпение): I've been asking you hundreds of times not to take my things. (сто раз я тебя пpocил не брать моих вещей)


  1. Глаголы выражающие чувства восприятия и состояния: love, like, see, hear, know, understand, be etc. He используются в форме Perfect Continuous. Вместо нее используется просто Perfect: I've loved, opera since I was a child; I've known him for a long time. (я давно его знаю); He has never liked rock-music. (он никогда не любил и не любит рок); Cricket has always been popular in England. (... всегда был и остается популярным).
  • В значении "уже" с глаголами в Present Perfect Continuous употребляется наречие now. Наречие already обычно не употребляется.
  • Отрицание not является наречием степени (нулевой). Об этом свидетельствует его употребление в окружении, характерном для наречий: сравните: rather a good place и not a good place; so much, very much, as much, too much и not much; The least you can do is to not make things unpleasant for yourself.
  • Употребление двойной сравнительной степени lesser уже зарегистрировано в книжно-письменном стиле: the lesser of two evils; lesser known Communists and Socialists [The Morning Star]. Notes: в значении "менее суровый" (например, a lesser punishment) lesser стоит вне парадигмы степеней сравнения little - less(er) - least.
  • Говоря строго, степени сравнения характерны не только для прилагательных и наречий, но также и для существительных и глаголов: Jack has more money than Harry (has / does); Max has fewer books / less money than I (have / do); Paul weights more than Alex (does).

Существительное society употребляется без артикля, когда оно означает "an organized community people live in": 1)"He is a forger. He ought to be hounded out of civilized society," Mr. Warton said. 2)There cannot be any justice for the poor in bourgeois society.
В других значениях оно может употребляться как с определенным, так и неопределенным артиклями: 1)They decided to organize a cooperative society. 2)It was but natural that he preferred the society of his friends, but his parents did not understand this.


in the pink of smth - [the pink - верх, высшая степень, нечто совершенное] 1)He was in the pink of condition for his age. 2)He showed in the pink of health.

a big deal - много 1)It means a big deal to her. — Это очень важно для нее. 2)There's a big deal of some kind in the air, and if there is, we all know who is back of it". 3)"You and he had a big deal on your hands a long time ago," he continued.

a degree better - чуть лучше (также с любыми другими сравнительными степенями) 1) "I have a nice snug little farm." said Gabriel, with half a degree less assurance than when he had seized her hand. 2) Mrs Harville, a degree less polished than her husband, seemed, however, to have the same good feelings. 3)The rickety little waggon was already laden, and the girl led out the horse Prince, only a degree less rickety than the vehicle. 4)...when he received his charity in kind from those who were but a degree richer than himself...


a devil to drink - чертовски пить; такой, который пьет за двоих (троих, четверых и т.п.; также с любыми другими глаголами) 1)Off it went in due course, its recoil knocking him backwards--for that gun was a devil to kick--and its bullet cutting the top off the ear of one of his wives. 2) I'm a man that keeps company very easy; even by your own account, you ain't, and to my certain knowledge you're a devil to haze.


и концы в воду (разг) - and no one will be any the wiser 1) And Mr. Augustus Cooper went back and lived with his mother, and there he lives to this day; and as he has lost his ambition for society, and never goes into the world, he will never see this account of himself, and will never be any the wiser. 2)When M. Pons is once dead and buried, you understand, nobody will know how many pictures there ought to be; if there are fifty-three pictures instead of sixty-seven, nobody will be any the wiser.



  1. What goes up when the rain comes down?
  2. What goes up but never comes down?
  3. What has four legs and can fly?

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Подлежащее может быть выражено:

  • Существительным: The lesson is over. The car has arrived.
  • Местоимением: He is a clever boy. Someone wants to speak to him.
  • Инфинитивом: To run is useful.
  • Герундием: Smoking is not allowed here.
  • Числительным: Three were absent from the lecture.
  • Любым словом или сочетанием в значении существительного: "Free on board" is a commercial expression often used in contracts. "Had" is the Past Tense of the verb to "have"
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(c) 2001-2002 Костенко Андрей Владимирович

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