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30/05/02 Выпуск #26
Рассылка для тех, кто любит English и хочет знать о нем больше

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Очень скоро в рамках рассылки пройдет конкурс на самого эрудированного подписчика (читайте ниже).


U-boat - подводная лодка; to wreak havoc - наводить ужас; onslaught - атака, нападение (attack, assault);
to risk smb's life - рисковать жизнью; during the Battle of the Atlantic - за время битвы за Атлантику;
please find enclosed an information… - информация ... прилагается
to make an informed decision about… - принять обоснованное решение
to apply for the programme - подать заявление на курс
to be qualified to join the programme - подходить для курса,
…whose English may not be quite strong enough - чей английский возможно не совсем хорош
please send it at the address shown - высылайте это по указанному адресу
it is advisable to apply early - советуем подавать заявления как можно раньше
proof of proficiency in English - подтверждение знания английского
a fax number and e-mail address where you can be reached - номер факса и эл. почты, по которым Вас можно будет найти
on the Monday to Thursday of each week - каждую неделю с понедельника по четверг
visits to local attractions - посещения местных достопримечательностей
at least two month prior to your start date - по крайней мере, за 2 месяца до начала занятий
if you require more details about…,please contact at tel: - если Вам нужна более подробная информация о ... звоните по тел:
a summer period for undertaking a dissertation - летний период для работы над диссертацией



aim - 1) We can say: "We will meet you on your own ground and show you by material and scientific tests that the soul and personality survive." That is the aim of Psychic Science, and it has been fully attained. The Vital Message, by Arthur Conan Doyle 2) I seldom found the mail that would withstand arrows made thus, when the range was short and the aim good. Montezuma's Daughter, by H. Rider Haggard 3) Not width but intensity is the true aim of modern art. De Profundis, by Oscar Wilde

ambition - 1) "Do you not compose?" asked the Prince. "That was once my ambition. I was a pupil of Sebastian Bach. But--circumstances--necessity--brought me here. Other lives changed the direction of mine. Beauty and The Beast, by Bayard Taylor 2) If it be the ambition of a hunting lady to ride straight, and women have very much of this ambition, let her use her eyes but never her voice; and let her ever have a smile for those who help her in her little difficulties. Hunting Sketches, by Anthony Trollope 3) Hence has arisen his ambition to make for himself a new place in the annals of American politics. North America, Volume 2, by Anthony Trollope

bourne - I could only think of the bourne of my travels and the work which was to occupy me whilst they endured. Frankenstein, or, the Modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley

butt - 1) I have never been a ladies' man; at Leland-Stanford I was the butt of the class because of my hopeless imbecility in the presence of a pretty girl; but the men liked me, nevertheless. The Land that Time Forgot, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 2) Toasts to this and that were flung back and forth, and jests and gibes, and the butt of many of these was that poor Federal government which was like a bantam hen trying to cover a nestful of turkey's eggs, and clucking with importance all the time. The Crossing, by Winston Churchill

design - 1) The pirate's design was now only too evident; he wished to bring her broadside to bear on the Chimneys and from there to reply with shell and ball to the shot which had till then decimated her crew. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne 2) The people had notice by proclamation of my design to visit the town. Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift 3) My master's design was to show me in all the towns by the way, and to step out of the road for fifty or a hundred miles. Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift

destination - 1) "Come now," said I. "Tell me frankly what is the destination of our voyage?" The Adventures of Gerard, by Arthur Conan Doyle 2) We came to Richmond all too soon, and our destination there, was a house by the Green; a staid old house, where hoops and powder and patches, embroidered coats rolled stockings ruffles and swords, had had their court days many a time. Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens

(to be continued...)


Притяжательные местоимения.

Абсолютная форма притяжательного местоимения (чаще mine) может употребляться не только предикативно, но и атрибутивно - в поэзии, в шутливых и иронических высказываниях, в постпозитивных определениях, перед гласной и перед h (ср. употребление an перед h, а также употребление связующего [r]:

O mistress mine; with mine own hand; mine eyes; mine heart (A.S. Hornby)



Предложения с перфектным инфинитивом типа I would like to have seen John at the party или I wouldn't like to have waited in that line for the tickets теперь иногда заменяются предложениями с перфектными формами сослагательного наклонения типа I would have liked to see John at the party или I wouldn't have liked to wait in that line for the tickets.



Наречия без суффикса -ly, омонимичные прилагательным, более характерны для речи мужчин. Например, женщины обычно говорят: He walks too slowly, а мужчины: He walks too slow. Ср. также недавнее разговорное упрощение в речи англичан и англичанок: as quick as poss (вместо старого as quickly as possible).



Let alone является сочинительным союзным сочетанием, синонимичным союзу and:

- There were 7 people in the car, let alone a pile of luggage and 3 dogs.

Не следует путать данное союзное сочетание с предлогом let alone, который обычно на русский язык переводится словосочетаниями "не говоря о" или "не считая":

- We are not rolling in coppers, let alone gold or silver.

- But when we neared the coast we discovered no indication of any human habitations whatever, let alone a city.

- An omnibus conductor has hardly time to love his own wife, let alone other people's.

- The stream was too rapid for a man to mount with one canoe, let alone two, upon his hands.

Также следует помнить, что let alone может означать глагольное сочетание, означающее "оставить в покое":

- It was best to let them alone to think quietly over their own position.

- "Learn, caitiff, the expediency of uncalculating zeal. If the millionaire had been let alone he would have devoured the tiger."

- He's scarce awake: let him alone awhile.
- 'Snores deep?' repeated Jonas. 'Yes; let him alone for that. He'll snore for six, at any time.'


Нулевой артикль.

Нулевой артикль встречается не только в газетных заголовках, телеграммах, в разговорном стиле, но также в ряде других случаев:

1. Вывеска на доме: Sale agreed - "Дом продан".

2. Инструкция пользования таксофоном: 1) Lift handset. 2) Insert money. 3) Dial number. 4) Follow on call? (хотите повторить вызов?) Press blue button then re-dial. 5) Replace handset.Unused coins returned.

3. Предупреждающий знак: Please drive with extreme care. Speed not exceed 5 MPH.

4. Описание в технической инструкции: Fuse blown - "перегорел предохранитель".

5. Неофициальная записка: If new blasthole ahead of smelter only one week, would mean 20 million pounds nickel backed up unsmelted. (after D.Carter)

6. Реклама: Slim in Six Weeks - or Money Refunded.

7. Идиоматические выражения: to clean house - "перевернуть дом вверх дном"; to jump ship - "удрать с судна".

8. Устойчивые словосочетания: He touched bottom; a room with private bathroom.

9. Существительные, обозначающие части тела (часто с предлогом): There was something uncanny in the thought of Carlyon with sad, ape-like face standing very still back turned.


take after

1. походить на кого-л. 1) The boy takes after his father. — Мальчик похож на своего отца. 2) I take after my father, who is shrewd. Letters of Two Brides, by Honore de Balzac 3) "I wonder," he asked, bluntly, "whether you take after your uncle?" Man and Wife, by Wilkie Collins 4) Of his daughters I will only say that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are dutiful young ladies, and take after their father closely. Life And Adventures Of Martin Chuzzlewit, by Charles Dickens

2. подражать 1) "Then what the flaming hell did you take after me for?" demanded the gambler, lowering his revolver. Tales of the Klondyke, by Jack London 2) Once we exasperated a band of wild pigs, and they took after us. Before Adam, by Jack London 3) Mr. Pitt took after the noble Binkies, from whom he was descended, and was a very polite and proper gentleman.Vanity Fair, by William Thackary

3. погнаться, преследовать 1) The policeman dropped his load and took after the criminal, but failed to catch him. — Полицейский бросил свою ношу и последовал за преступником, но не сумел поймать его. 2) I saw the two Dunlap sisters start on the run across the sand, and took after them, for whites and Indians were all killing us.The Jacket (Star-Rover), by Jack London 3) And the bear took after him, and Keesh ran away. Love of Life And Other Stories, by Jack London 4) I looked away down-stream, and seen a black speck on the water. I took after it; but when I got to it it warn't nothing but a couple of sawlogs made fast together.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain

take against

[to take precautions against smth — принять меры предосторожности против чего-л.]
[to take legal proceedings against — начать судебное преследование]

1. испытывать неприязнь, не любить 1) I've never done anything to offend her, but she just took against me from the start. — Я никогда не делал ничего оскорбительного для нее, но она невзлюбила меня с самого начала. 2) "I can't bear it, I won't bear it. I am your father; why should you cry? Am I so dreadful, so hateful to 'ee? Don't take against me, Elizabeth-Jane!" he cried, grasping her wet hand. The Mayor of Casterbridge, by Thomas Hardy 3) "I think she's took against ye -- that I do." Far from the Madding Crowd, by Thomas Hardy 4) She shook her head. "He won't come." "Why?" "He has taken against me," she said in a husky voice. The Mayor of Casterbridge, by Thomas Hardy

2. направлять ч.л. против ч.л. 1) If you allow such proceedings as this to be taken against you, how can you expect that the poor will remain honest people and will not rob you? The Country Doctor, by Honore de Balzac 2) The First Consul saw the error of this exception which has made enemies for his government, and he wishes the Messieurs Simeuse to know that no steps will be taken against them. An Historical Mystery, by Honore de Balzac 3) The Bower to be always free of access to Mr Venus for his researches, and every precaution to be taken against their attracting observation in the neighbourhood. Sons of the Soil, by Honore de Balzac


Число подписчиков рассылки приближается к 10 000 человек и вполне понятно желание ее автора выбрать из этого числа самого эрудированного подписчика. Для разминки предлагаю догадаться, о каком городе, название которого известно каждому, идет речь ниже.

"L", known as "The Forest City" for more than a century, is famous for its shady boulevards, lush parks and charming Victorian architecture. There has been a settlement on the site since the late 18th century. The city now has a population of more than 330, 000.

While respectful of the past, "L" is a modern, vibrant city with excellent shopping, restaurants, professional theatre, symphony orchestra, an extensive library system and many other lifestyle advantages. The city has a diversified economy and a strong business base, and is the country's leader in health care and medical research. Beyond the city, the beaches and parks of two of the Great Lakes are within an hour's drive.

In 1992, a national business magazine selected "L" as the country's best run city, citing low taxes, low crime rate, excellent road and public transit systems, and an effective, modern police force.

The city has a small but rapidly growing multicultural community. Among the languages other than English spoken in "L": French (5,000); Italian (4,500); Chinese (2,700); German (4,800); Portuguese (5,000); and Spanish (5,200).

"L" is located just two hours from…


Да, вот так всегда - на самом интересном месте… Описание уездного городка "L", как Вы уже догадались, будет продолжено в следующем выпуске. После этого Вы сможете проверить правильность Ваших ответов прямо по карте.

Удачи в разминочном вопросе. Очень скоро в рамках рассылки пройдет конкурс на самого эрудированного подписчика. В каждом выпуске будет несколько заданий, сам конкурс будет проводиться в несколько туров. Как обычно - победителям ценные призы, а проигравшим - тузы (ну, в смысле на будущее, чтобы играть и не проигрывать). Более подробно - через несколько выпусков. Ответы слать сюда.


Простое предложение. Подлежащее.

Формальное подлежащее it.

Поскольку в английском языке подлежащее является обязательным членом предложения, в английских безличных предложениях употребляется формальное подлежащее, выраженное местоимением it, которое употребляется в таком значении в следующих случаях:

1. При сообщениях о явлениях природы:

- It is winter. Зима.
- It is cold. Холодно.
- It is getting darker. Становиться темно.
- It was a warm spring day. Был теплый весенний день.

2. При глаголах, обозначающих состояние погоды (to rain; to snow; to freeze; etc.:

- It often snows in February. В феврале часто идет снег.
- It has been raining since 3 o'clock. Дождь идет с трех часов.
- It was freezing. Морозило.

3. При обозначениях времени и расстояния:

- It is early morning. Раннее утро.
- It is five o'clock. Пять часов.
- It is one kilometre from our house to the river. От нашего дома до реки один километр.
- It is not far to the railway station. До вокзала недалеко.

4. С некоторыми глаголами в страдательном залоге. Такие страдательные обороты соответствуют в русском языке неопределенно-личным оборотам:

- It is said... Говорят...
- It is believed... Полагают...
- It is expected...Ожидают...

5. При наличии подлежащего предложения, выраженного инфинитивом, герундием или придаточным предложением и стоящего после сказуемого:

- It was difficult to find a suitable steamer. Было трудно найти подходящий теплоход.
- It's no use telling him about it. Бесполезно говорить ему об этом.
- It was clear that he would not come. Было ясно, что он не придет.


В этом разделе на договорных условиях возожно размещение ссылки на Ваш ресурс. Пишите, рассмотрю все предложения. - сеть курсов английского языка в Москве.


Убедительно прошу Вас информировать меня о всех ошибках, описках и прочих неприятностях, допущенных в рассылке, а также о возможных дополнениях, исправлениях и прочих тонкостях английского языка.

Всегда рад Вашим письмам с пожеланиями, впечатлениями, здоровой критикой и, впрочем, всем тем, что напрямую или косвенно связано с этой рассылкой или ее темой. Пишите, отвечу всем
Надеюсь вы нашли эту информацию полезной. Успехов Вам,
(c) 2001-2002 Костенко Андрей Владимирович

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