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Different ['difrqnt] - другой, разный, различный, отличный, непохожий

to be ~ from | ~ (from, to, than)

The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne

  1. But Herbert drew very different conclusions from this absence. Но Герберт делал совсем иные выводы из его долгого отсутствия.
  2. This accident, which appeared so very serious to Pencroft, produced different effects on the companions of the honest sailor. Однако, несчастье, чреватое по мнению Пенкрофа, печальными последствиями, произвело на товарищей славного моряка не одинаковое впечатление.
  3. Pencroft and his two companions went to different parts of the bank, so as to cut off the retreat of the capybara, which the dog was looking for beneath the water. Охотники встали на берегу в разных концах, чтобы отрезать водосвинке путь к отступлению, а Топ, разыскивая ее, плавал по озеру.
  4. The repast at length terminated; at the moment when each one was about to give himself up to sleep, Cyrus Harding drew from his pocket little specimens of different sorts of minerals, and just said,-- После ужина, когда путники уже собирались ложиться спать, Сайрес Смит вытащил из кармана камешки – образцы различных минералов – и коротко пояснил:
  5. The result of these different works was, that, on the 9th of April, the engineer had at his disposal a quantity of prepared lime and some thousands of bricks. В результате всех этих работ 9 апреля в распоряжении Смита уже было некоторое количество гашенной извести и несколько тысяч кирпичей.
  • Pencroft, Neb, and the reporter remained behind and occupied themselves in different ways. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • These different works lasted a week. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • A second fireplace had been established in the dining-room, where they all worked together at their different avocations. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • They were visited every day, and at three different times, during the first days, specimens of those Antarctic foxes which they had already seen on the right bank of the Mercy were found in them. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • Notwithstanding the bad weather, the settlers renewed their stores of different things, stone-pine almonds, rhizomes, syrup from the maple-tree, for the vegetable part; rabbits from the warren, agouties, and kangaroos for the animal part. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • They contented themselves with collecting this liquor in jars and employing it in this state for different culinary purposes. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • This was formed of granite reeks, capriciously distributed, very different from the cliff at Prospect Heights, and of an extremely wild aspect. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • Books:-1 Bible, 1 atlas, 1 dictionary of the different Polynesian idioms, 1 dictionary of natural science, in six volumes; 3 reams of white paper, 2 books with blank pages. It is possible that at the moment, or in expectation of a wreck, they collected into this chest different articles of the greatest use in hopes of finding it again on the coast--" The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • These different plants, which had been carefully rooted up, were carried to the canoe, where Cyrus Harding had remained buried in thought. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • The different streams which flowed into it increased it to a regular river further down, but here it was simply a shallow, limpid brook. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • Cyrus Harding, Pencroft, Neb, and Jup, posted themselves in different parts of the wood, while the two cavaliers and Top galloped in a radius of half a mile round the corral. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • They had also a variety of different beverages, and so long as they did not demand wine, the most hard to please would have had no reason to complain. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • In this way, shots being fired from four different points at once, the convicts would be led to believe that the island was both largely peopled and strongly defended. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • Certainly, it would have been safer to have taken a different road than that which led straight from the corral to Granite House, but the cart would have met with great difficulties in moving under the trees. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
  • Shipbuilding was interrupted for a week for the harvest, the haymaking, and the gathering in of the different crops on the plateau. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne

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