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Dissimilar ['di'similq] - pазный, различный, отличный, непохожий

to be ~ (from, to, in) | ~ ‘noun’

  1. There never were two people more dissimilar. На свете не было людей более разных чем эти два.
  2. Her mind contrasted the dissimilar results. Ее рассудок сопоставлял несхожие выводы.
  • Dr. Grant and Mrs. Norris were seldom good friends; their acquaintance had begun in dilapidations, and their habits were totally dissimilar. Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen
  • There is nothing but a stream in thevalley bottom to separate these two populations, which are utterly dissimilar in every respect, as different in face and stature as in manners, customs, and occupation. The Country Doctor, by Honore de Balzac
  • Canalis and Nathan are two dissimilar cases; things never fall out in the same way twice. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris, by Honore de Balzac
  • The chest contained in its upper section pewter plates, dishes, etc., each article dissimilar from the rest. The Village Rector, by Honore de Balzac
  • You speak of vice; and it is possible that, after all, reason and reflection produce a result not dissimilar from what we call by that name. Letters of Two Brides, by Honore de Balzac
  • Under the angular or the vertical incidence of the sun's rays nature is developed the same, but not the same; identical in its principles, but totally dissimilar in its outcome. Louis Lambert, by Honore de Balzac
  • In this respect the outcome of our system is not very dissimilar to that of yours, but there are two notable differences. Looking Backward: From 2000 to 1887, by Edward Bellamy
  • It is a rawhide rope, not dissimilar to those of the Western plains and cow-camps of my youth. The People That Time Forgot, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
  • Between these two apparently dissimilar motives there was a connection, not visible on the surface, which was now to assert itself. Man and Wife, by Wilkie Collins
  • But, my dear aunt, the two most dissimilar nations on the face of the earth are the English and the French. My Lady's Money, by Wilkie Collins
  • They are not at all alike. They are exactly unlike. They are utterly dissimilar in all respects. David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens
  • He figured out his program for the day to a nicety, feeling strangely different from the way he had felt two years before when the conditions were not dissimilar. The Financier, by Theodore Dreiser
  • Their thought-processes were radically dissimilar. Strength of the Strong, by Jack London
  • His interests and hers were absolutely dissimilar. Blix, by Frank Norris
  • "As you say. And do you know that we are after all not so dissimilar, you and I?" Scaramouche, by Rafael Sabatini
  • But here we give at least sufficient to complete the story I have told, and to give the broad outlines of the state of that other world so near, so akin, and yet so dissimilar to our own. The First Men In The Moon, by H. G. Wells

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