Advanced English Официальный сайт рассылки "Продвинутый English"

Exalt [Ig'zLlt] - повышать, усиливать

  • There he had seen everything to exalt in his estimation the woman he had lost; Там он увидел все, что ему было нужно, чтобы увеличить свое уважение к женщине, которую он потерял.
  • I conceive their refinements were grounded upon reason, and that a little grain of the romance is no ill ingredient to preserve and exalt the dignity of human nature, without which it is apt to degenerate into everything that is sordid, vicious, and low. The Battle of the Books And Other Short Pieces, by Jonathan Swift
  • …and, as this unconcerned demeanour again exalts him in the opinion of those who have leisure to observe his prceedings… American Notes, by Charles Dickens
  • It even exalts them, and makes them feel that they are finer and better, though at the same time it drags them down and makes them more beastly than ever. The People of the Abyss, by Jack London…
  • that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
  • There are virtues that exalt us, and vices that degrade us, whose mysterious origin is, not in our parents, but in ourselves. The Legacy of Cain, by Wilkie Collins
  • Perhaps it impressed me the more then, because it was new to me, but it certainly did not tend to exalt my opinion of, or to strengthen my confidence in, Mr. Jack Maldon. David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens
  • … did we want to do fine and noble things, to help in their developing, to lessen misery, to broaden and exalt life. The New Machiavelli, by H. G. Wells

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