Advanced English Официальный сайт рассылки "Продвинутый English"

heighten ['haItn] - повышать, усиливать

  1. It appeared prudent to him to heighten the palisade and to flank it with a sort of blockhouse, which, if necessary, the settlers could hold against the enemy. Он предусмотрительно увеличил частокол укрепив его с боков, дабы при необходимости, он смог бы сдержать врага.
  2. We know the transparency of the sea and that its clearness is far beyond that of rock-water. The mineral and organic substances which it holds in suspension heightens its transparency. Мы знаем как бывает прозрачно море и что оно намного чище прибрежной воды. Минеральные вещества и живиые организмы увеличивают его прозрачность.
  3. "What you say, Captain, only heightens my curiosity; I am ready to follow you." То, что вы сказали, капитан, лишь только усиливает мое любопытство. Я готов идти за вами.
  4. The new idea of him only heightened his anguish and added new bitterness to his despair. Его новая идея только усилила его страдания и добавила горечи в его бызысходность.
  5. … the joint effect of which was considerably heightened by a dirty white handkerchief, spotted with blood… совместный эффект которого был значительно усилен грязным белым носовым платком, испачканным кровью…
  6. His apprehensions were heightened, and they showed plainly in his face. Его тревога усилилась и это стало явно заметно на его лице.
  • She said all in her power to heighten her confidence in it. Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen
  • …like the last touches of an artist, which contribute to heighten and finish the picture. Waverley, by Sir Walter Scott
  • But every circumstance that could embitter such an evil seemed uniting to heighten the misery of Marianne Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen
  • Her little pearly teeth seemed to heighten the redness of the fresh lips with the smile hovering over them. The Magic Skin, by Honore de Balzac
  • They recognized in each other qualities which promised to heighten all the pleasures to be derived from either their contest or their union. + The moonlight seemed to heighten the effect of it. The Chouans, by Honore de Balzac
  • When awake, his gray eyebrows hid his eyelids in a way to heighten the light of his eye, which glittered with the luminous ferocity of a wolf skulking on the watch in a forest. The Hated Son, by Honore de Balzac
  • …and surely nothing could more contribute to heighten the merit of this compliance than a declaration… The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, by Henry Fielding

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