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Strengthen ['streNTqn] - увеличивать(ся), укреплять(ся)

  1. …and although it was not their usual dinner-hour, no one refused to strengthen himself with a piece of venison. … и не смотря на то, что было не то время, в которое они привыкли обедать, никто не отказался подкрепить себя кусочком оленины.
  2. … having refreshed himself with his dinner, and further strengthened himself by an extra libation…пообедав и востановив себя, а поверх того подкрепив себя выпивкой …
  3. A cup of strong tea and brandy were administered as a means of strengthening her feeble limbs and causing her to walk steadier. Чашка крепкого чая и брэнди были прописаны ей, чтобы укрепить ее хилые конечности и позволить ей ходить более устойчиво.
  4. Above all things she commended a strict maidenly reserve, as being not only a very laudable thing in itself, but as tending materially to strengthen and increase a lover's ardour. Больше всех вещей она хвалила девичью скромность, не только за то, что это само по себе было достойно похвалы, но и за то, что эта черта по своей природе увеличивала и усиливала страсть возлюбленных.
  5. …with the view of opening the chest and strengthening the muscles of the arms. … для того, чтобы открыть сундук и укрепить мышцы рук.
  • He had, many times, been enabled to strengthen his influence, when any circumstance had occurred to weaken it. Он много раз мог усилить свое влияние, когда обстоятельства ослабляли его.
  • His personal interest in the inquiry suddenly strengthened, and he began to feel a curiosity to know the real nature of Allan's business which he had not felt yet. Armadale, by Wilkie Collins
  • The whole thing strengthened in me that obscure feeling of life being but a waste of days… The Shadow Line, by Joseph Conrad
  • Two attempts have been made, both have failed, and I imagine these failures strengthen me. Vailima Letters, by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • His bias toward the sea had strengthened with his advance to the years of manhood. Armadale, by Wilkie Collins
  • The paper strengthens me in my recommendation to you to follow Colvin's hint. The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson
  • I will strengthen me with breakfast, and then I will do my terrible work. Dracula, by Bram Stoker
  • All day the new feeling grew and strengthened; it grew with a rush; it brought inspiration and cheer with it. A Scrap of Curious History, by Mark Twain
  • Curtis, Dowlas, the boatswain, and the sailors did what they could to strengthen the raft with additional ropes. The Survivors of the Chancellor, by Jules Verne
  • I conceived a flattered liking for him that strengthened to a very strong feeling indeed. The New Machiavelli, by H. G. Wells

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