Advanced English Официальный сайт рассылки "Продвинутый English"


of one’s own accordдобровольно. 1) Of their own accord those dear arms clasped themselves round me, of their own accord the sweet lips came to meet mine. 2) We abstained from waking him, and followed his steps until he returned of his own accord to his bed-chamber. 3) When Cato heard this, he ordered Marcus Rubrius to attend upon the three hundred, and quietly take the names of those who of their own accord set their slaves at liberty, but by no means to force anybody.

with one accordединодушно. 1) It was so fully understood by mother, sister, and priest, that they all with one accord turned their faces from each other, to hide their tears and keep the secret of their thoughts in their own breasts. 2) "Water is a bad thing for his clockworks, anyway," agreed Shaggy, as with one accord they all started for the fountain. 3) With one accord Nicholas and I looked at Charley.

of its own accordсамотеком. When she was actually on the way downstairs, the blood began to circle through her body of its own accord too, for her mind felt very dull.

within an ace ofчуть не, на волосок от. 1) Romeo came within an ace of marrying Juliet 2) In his emotion he dropped the tack-hammer within an ace of my head. 3) I was not afraid of her, but it occurred to me that I was within an ace of drifting into a downright quarrel with a lady and, besides, my guest.

to have much ado испытывать затруднения, иметь немало хлопот. 1) I protest, Rutland, that while he sat on his knees before me, mopping and mowing as if he had scalding porridge in his mouth, I had much ado to forbear cutting him over the pate, instead of striking his shoulder. 2) As he made toward the Alps, Cassius, who was praetor of that part of Gaul that lies about the Po, met him with ten thousand men, but being overcome in battle, he had much ado to escape himself, with the loss of a great many of his men. 3) He feels very grateful to them for the interest they have in him, and for the kind promises they make; but the power of speech is gone again, and he has much ado to keep his feet, even though leaning on his master's arm.

without more (further) ado без дальнейших церемоний, незамедлительно, не мешая. 1) and seeing plainly it was not to be found, without more ado he seized his beard with both hands and plucked away half of it, 2) Without more ado the Colonel broke the skim of ice 3) She went right up on to the dais, and came to where sat Christopher, and without more ado cast her arms about him and kissed him 4) With little ceremony Perry and I were chained at the end of the line, and without further ado the interrupted march was resumed. 5) "and now let us read the letter," and without further ado he  broke the seal, and read aloud as follows:

the (ones) ace of trumps главный козырь, самый веский довод. 1) If she had the ace of trumps in her hand at whist, she wouldn't say anything, child.

wi0th much ado с большим трудом. 1) To follow them was useless; indeed, it was with much ado that the convoy got into port with the residue of the cargoes…2) They took the side of Demosthenes, and with much ado forced Nicias to comply. 3) How with much ado we got a sight of the pope-hawk.

in accord with smth  в соответствии с ч.л., согласно ч.л.*** out of accord with smth – вразрез, в противоречии с чем либо *** to come to an accord; to reach an accord – прийти к согласию *** to accord a favourоказать услугу *** to accord permissionдать разрешение *** to be accorded permissionполучить разрешение *** much ado about nothingмного шума из ничего.

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