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as like as chalk and cheese [*]; as different as chalk from cheese [*]похоже, как гвоздь на панихиду; ничего общего; небо и земля 1) "A place like this?". "Lord help you! As little like this as chalk is to cheese. A fine big moor, miss, in Cumberland, without a tree in sight—look where you may. Something like a wind, I can tell you, when it takes to blowing there." 2) By the Queen of the Chitterlings, quoth Panurge, all the hieroglyphics of Egypt are mine a-- to this jargon.  Why! here are a parcel of words full as analogous as chalk and cheese, or a cat and a cart-wheel!

cakes and ale [**] - веселье, беззаботная жизнь. 1) Such was the state of Baltimore when I visited that city.  I found, nevertheless, that cakes and ale still prevailed there.  I am inclined to think that cakes and ale prevail most freely in times that are perilous, and when sources of sorrow abound. 2) Women still smiled, and men were happy to whom such smiles were given.  Cakes and ale were going, and ginger was still hot in the mouth.

that takes the cake [*] — это превосходит все; вот это да! 1) "Well, I have been twenty-seven years in the force, but this really takes the cake." 2) A car of your own! Don't you want a yacht, and a house and lot?  That pretty nearly takes the cake!

to have smb on the carpet [*] — давать нагоняй кому-л. 1) I had Allen up on the carpet day before yesterday, and got right down to cases. All my experience indicates that he means to do business. I have also looked into his financial record, which is fine.  2) As I told Warden Atherton, when my incorrigibility had become so notorious that he had me in on the carpet in his private office to plead with me; as I told him then:

cap in hand [***] - покорно, смиренно; униженно. 1) "Pooh! a fool who speaks to me cap in hand!" replied the duke.. 2) Still my husband, cap in hand, persisted in trying to accompany the alcalde, and seeing this my lady, filled with rage and vexation, pulled out a big pin, or, I rather think, a bodkin, out of her needle-case and drove it into his back with such force that my husband gave a loud yell, and writhing fell to the ground with his lady. 3) Everybody was cap in hand to the famous man!" 4) Oliver, delighted to be of use, brought down the books under his arm in a great bustle; and waited, cap in hand, to hear what message he was to take.

not fit to hold a candle to в подметки не годится 1) "And you would be the more mistaken," said he.  "What makes the differ with me is just my great penetration and knowledge of affairs.  But for  auld, cauld, dour, deadly courage, I am not fit to hold a candle to  yourself. 2) I say she's the best, the kindest, the gentlest, the sweetest girl in England; and that, bankrupt or no, my sisters are not fit to hold candles to her.

a chapter of accidents [***] – непредвиденное скопление обстоятельств (обычно неприятные). 1) "Doubtless my scheme was completed by a chapter of accidents, but I was watching for such accidents. 2) As the necessary result of the check thus encountered, he was now in Scotland with absolutely nothing to trust to as a means of effecting his release but the chapter of accidents, aided by his own resolution to marry Mrs. Glenarm. 3) Her voyage forms another chapter of accidents in this eventful story. 4) He was reckoning without that chapter of accidents which was to make this night memorable above all others in his career; for he had not gone back above a hundred yards before he saw a light coming to meet him, and heard loud voices speaking together in the echoing narrows of the lane.


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