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Костенко А. В.


Видовременные формы английского глагола в страдательном залоге

Упражнение 13. Образуйте указательные формы инфинитива от следующих глаголов.

Indefinite Passive: to visit, to invite, to send.

Continuous Active: to translate, to read.

Continuous Passive: to type, to build.

Perfect Active: to arrive, to give.

Perfect Passive: to send, to examine.

Упражнение 14. Измените по лицам глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях.

I shall be invited.

I am being asked.

I have been given much work.

Упражнение 15. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык Обратите внимание на формы Continuous.

1.    I can’t use my office at the moment. It is being redecorated.

2.    I’ll go bv bus because mv car is being fixed now.

3.    The results of the test weren’t being discussed on Monday morning, were they?

4.    The new dish is being cooked now, isn’t it?

5.    Why is she being asked so many questions?

6.    When I came into the theatre a beautiful piece of music was

being played.

7.    A new railway line is being constructed across the desert (пустыня).

8.    Who was being asked when the headmaster (директор) entered the classroom?

Упражнение 16. У Вас очень плохая звукоизоляция, и Вы невольно слышите все, что происходит у соседей. Расскажите о том, что у них происходит в данный момент.

Пр и м е р: rock music - (to play). Rock music is being played. Продолжайте:

a)    fridge - (to fix);

b)    dinner - (to cook);

c)    dishes - (to wash);

d)    news - (to discuss).

Упражнение 17. Переведите предложения на русский язык Обратите внимание на формы Perfect.

1.    Football has been played for hundreds of years.

2.    Running competitions have been held (проводятся) since ancient times.

3.    The Highland Games have been held since the 19th century.

4.    Since 1845 rugby has been played all over Britain.

5.    Goodwill Games have been organized every four years since 1984.

6.    Little Bill has been found safe and well.

7.    A new planet has been discovered.

8.    All the tickets had already been sold out by the end of the day.

9.    No woman has ever been elected President of the USA

10.    This book will have been translated into Russian by the end of the year.

11.    All the money had been spent by the end of the holidays.

Упражнение 18. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях в страдательном залоге.

Пример: The police arrested 20 people. - Twenty people were arrested by the police.

1.    They have found a sea-chest (сундук).

2.    We plant trees every year.

3.    We will send you a ticket on the day of the match.

4.    Somebody opened the window.

5.    People speak English in many countries.

6.    I shall give you a cup of coffee.

7.    They will close the shop at midnight.

8.    They are discussing a new problem.

9.    She is cleaning the room.

10.    A dog has eaten my sandwich.

11.    People eat millions of bars of chocolate every day.

Упражнение 19. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующем времени страдательного залога:

1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3.1 (to ask) at the lesson the day before yesterday. 4. He (to give) a very interesting book at the librarv last Fridav. 5. Manv houses (to builds in

our town every year. 6. This work (to do) tomorrow. 7. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 8. These trees (to plant) last autumn.

9.    Many interesting games always (to play) at our sport lessons

10.    This bone (кость) (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 11. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 12. My questions (to answer) yesterday.

13. Hockey (to play) in winter. 14. His new book (to finish) next year.

15. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 16. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

Упражнение 20. В следующих предложениях определите видовременную форму глагола.

1. The delegation was headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 2.She was often seen in the library. 3. Heat and light are given to us by phe sun. 4. He wasn’t told about our decision. 5. The tourists were shown the Kremlin. 6. She is invited to come to England next year. 7. The poem was quickly learnt by the pupils. 8. Dinner was being cooked when my father came. 9. A new grammar rule was being explained when the bell rang 10. The suit will have been made by a tailor by the end of the month. 11. The answer will be given to you in some days. 12. His paintings will be exhibited at the Picture Gallery. 13. Don’t come in. The students are being tested now. 14. I was told to wait a little. ^5. You are not asked to come here again. 16.1 was given to understand that I was wrong 17. He was made to announce this news. 18. She will be allowed to carry out the experiment. 19. The Pyramids of Egypt were built by slaves. 20. He will be taken to hospital. 21. Several new lines of the underground are being built in Moscow. 22. The door will be locked. 23. The letters were being sorted out when we came. 24. The car will have been parked and washed before you arrive. 25. Progress is being made all the time. 26. “The lilies have been sent by one of your admirers, madam", the servant said. 27. The first car was built in Germany by Karl Bens in 1883.28. The first photograph was taken in 1887.

Упражнение 21. Прочитайте текст и расскажите о том, какие обязанности выполнял дядя Том на протяжении 50 лет.


My uncle Tom used to work on the railway. It was a little station called Lowton Cross. Onlv two trains a dav stooped there, and Tom

was station-master, chief porter and signal man all in one. Lowton Cross was the pride of his heart; the waiting-room was cleaned every day by the chief cleaner Tom; the chairs were polished by the chief polisher Tom; and the tickets were sold and collected by the chief ticket-collector Tom The money was counted every day by the chief clerk Tom

That station was run well: Tom was very strict about “rules”. He knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what he was not allowed to do, where he was allowed to smoke and where he was not allowed to smoke.

Tom was there for 50 years and then he had to retire. He had never missed a single day; every day he had been on duty. The Railway Company thought they ought to do something to recognize this, and so a little “farewell ceremony" was arranged.

Tom was thanked and was given a cheque as a present. But Tom asked the Company to give him a part of an old railway carriage which would remind him of happy days he had spent in Lowton Cross.

And about a week later a carriage, or rather a compartment, was sent and was taken into Tom’s back garden.

One day, about a year after Tom had retired I came to visit him The door wasn’t locked, so I went in. Tom was nowhere to be seen.

Soon I found him It was rainy but Tom wasn’t sitting in the carriage; he was outside, on the step ,of the carriage, smoking his pipe. His head was covered with a sack and the rain was running down his back.

“Hello, Tom”, said I, “why on earth are you sitting there; why don’t you go inside the carriage out of rain?”

“Can’t you see”, said Tom, “the carriage they sent me was a nonsmoker!”

Упражнение 22. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим словам и выражениям:

used to work; two trains a day; waiting room; tickets were sold; to polish chairs; to be strict about rules; he was allowed to smoke; had to retire; ought to do something; to be on duty; to recognize; to arrange a ceremony; to thank; to give a cheque; railway carriage; a compartment; back garden; to be outside; to cover with a sack; to go inside; a nonsmoker.

Упражнение 23. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и выражениям:

дежурный по станции; главный носильщик; сигнальщик; станция была его гордостью; зал ожидания; главный чистильщик; главный контролер; строго относился к правилам; уйти в отставку; не пропустить ни одного дня; быть на посту; устроить прощальную церемонию; ему было очень приятно; напоминать о счастливых днях; вагон; купе; сад позади дома; сидел на ступеньках вагона; голова накрыта мешком; дождь стекал по его спине; с какой стати ты сидишь здесь; разве не видишь; вагон для некурящих; отметить чью-то хорошую работу.

Упражнение 24. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1.    What was the name of the station where Uncle Tom worked?

2.    How long did he work there?

3.    Did Tom like his work?

4.    What work did he do?

5.    Do you think Lowton Cross was a busy station? Why not?

6.    How can you show that Tom was “strict about rules”?

7.    Why did the Railway Company arrange a “farewell ceremony”?

8.    What present did the Company give to Tom?

9.    What did Tom want? Why?

10.    What kind of a day was it when his nephew Hob went to visit Tom?

11.    Why could Hob open the front door?

12.    Where was Uncle Tom sitting?

13.    What had he on his head?

14.    Why wasn’t he sitting inside the compartment?

15.    Was Tom a happy man?

Упражнение 25. Переведите предложения на английский язык

1. Дверь откроют. 2. Ваш багаж (luggage) доставят (take) к поезду. 3. Туристов приветствуют (welcome) на станции. 4. Кофе принесут в ваш номер (ropm). 5. Работу закончат к вечеру. 6. Чек был передан дяде Тому. 7. Моего дядю поблагодарили за хорошую работу. 8. Меня водят в кино по воскресеньям. 9. Моему племяннику прислали (send) подарок. 10. Вас встретят на станции. 11. Подождите. пожалуйста, зал ожидания убирают. 12. К тому времени когда мы пришли, все билеты уже были проданы. 13. Деньги были пересчитаны главным кассиром Томом. 14. Дежурный, по станции знал, что разрешалось и что не разрешалось делать пассажирам.

15. Вашу хорошую работу обязательно оценят (отметят).

Запомните слова к упражнениям и тексту

1.    ancient (а) - древний

2.    arrange (v) - устроить

3.    back (я, а) - спина, задний

4.    bar (n) - плитка

5.    carriage (n) - вагон

6.    chief (а) - главный

7.    chocolate (n) - шоколад

8.    competition (n) - соревнование

9.    cover (v) - покрывать

10.    count (v) - считать

11.    decorate (v) - украшать, отделывать

12.    discover (v) - открывать

13.    farewell (n) - прощание

14.    heaven (n) - небеса

15.    heart (n) - сердце

16.    invent (к) - изобретать

17.    line (n) - линия

18.    marriage (n) - брак

19.    pipe (n) - трубка

20.    porter (n) - носильщик

21.    pride (n) - гордость

22.    railway (n)-железная дорога

23.    recognize (р) - отметить

24.    remind (v) - напомнить

25.    retire (v) -уйти в отставку

26.    robber (n) - грабитель

27.    sack (n) - мешок

28.    station master - начальник станции

29.    step (n) - ступенька

30.    used to (v) - бывало, делал что-то


   active (а) - активный

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