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Выпуск 6

Рассылка для тех, кто любит English и хочет знать о нем больше.


ONE WORD ___back

Этот раздел позволит Вам уточнить использование отдельных слов, а также слов и понятий с которыми они обычно используются а, в последствии, с моей помощью провести некий сравнительный анализ использования различных английских слов, которые обычно мы привыкли переводить на русский язык одним и тем же словом. Оригинальные тексты англоязычных авторов служат непревзойденным авторитетом в изучении языка, по крайней мере, для меня. С этой целью все примеры употребления тех или иных слов взяты из произведений классиков английской и американской литературы.

to increase – увеличивать(ся); возрастать, расти; усиливать(ся)

to intensify – усиливать(ся), укреплять(ся), углублять(ся)

Можете смело использовать это слово вместе с нижеприведенными или подобными им:

to increase: admiration, chances, darkness, desire, gloom, number, pallor, power, presence, speed, stores, temper, uneasiness, wind

to intensify: despair, effect, feeling, horror, love, passion, politeness, silence, sordidness

Наиболее употребляемые конструкции:

to increase: to ~ from smth to smth | was ~ed by smth | ~ smth to smth | to ~ in smth | ~ by smth | to ~ with smth duration

to intensify: to ~ smth to smth | to be ~ed by smth

Взгляните на несколько примеров употребления данного слова / слов англоязычными классиками:

The wind was already strong, and increased with the decline of day. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. The resources of the colony, particularly in vegetables and corn, increased from day to day, and the plants brought from Tabor Island had succeeded perfectly. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. The opening among the stones and grass was then increased, thus producing a strong fall at the bottom of the passage, the overflow from which escaped by the inner well. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. The granite cliff also gradually increased in height, and only the green tops of the trees which crowned it could be seen. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. The first attempts were somewhat crude, but in consequence of the cleverness and intelligence of the workmen, by consulting, and recalling the models which they had seen, and by emulating each other, the possessions of the colony were soon increased by several baskets of different sizes. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. The engineer had observed that it was increased by numerous affluents, but they were unnavigable, being simply little streams. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. Outside, as the night advanced, the tempest also increased in strength, until it was equal to that which had carried the prisoners from Richmond to this land in the Pacific. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. Meanwhile as the sun slowly advanced, the shadow slowly diminished, and when it appeared to Cyrus Harding that it was beginning to increase, he asked, "What o'clock is it?" The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. In fact, if the brig was still fit to navigate, the colonists' chances of returning to their native land were singularly increased. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. He found, a hundred feet off, a limpid stream, which seemed to have been greatly increased by the rains, and which filtered through the sand; The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. Gideon Spilett said no more, and soon, in spite of the explosions of the volcano, whose intensity increased, and which were repeated by the echoes of the island, the inhabitants of Granite House were sleeping soundly. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. From that day the smoke never disappeared from the top of the mountain, and it could even be perceived that it increased in height and thickness, without any flame mingling in its heavy volumes. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. Five hundred feet only separated the explorers from the plateau, which they wished to reach so as to establish there an encampment for the night, but these five hundred feet were increased to more than two miles by the zigzags which they had to describe. The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne.

And when he awoke in the morning and looked upon the wretchedness about him, his dream had had its usual effect--it had intensified the sordidness of his surroundings a thousandfold. The Prince and the Pauper, by Mark Twain Deceived by every one, even by the minions about him, experience had intensified his natural distrust. Maitre Cornelius, by Honore de Balzac Blindness intensified the expression of bitterness and sorrow in that grand face of his. Facino Cane, by Honore de Balzac The effect of her death has been to intensify that reserve to which I have already alluded.The Black Robe, by Wilkie Collins The impression produced by later events had not only intensified this feeling, but had presented the motives of that true friend under an entirely new point of view.I Say No, by Wilkie Collins Everywhere festoons and banners of black and strange decorations, intensified the quality of his popularity. When the Sleeper Wakes, by H. G. Wells It intensifies the tragedy of the Reverend Harold Benham's failure that in no essential respect did his school depart from the pattern of all other properly-conducted preparatory schools. The Research Magnificent, by H. G. Wells The afternoon's conference did no more than intensify the new and strange sense of alienation from the world that the morning's talk had evoked. Soul of a Bishop, by H. G. Wells But he had the tact, if possible, to intensify his politeness toward her. NANA, by Emile Zola "The change that has taken place in him cannot lessen his love for his neighbors; on the contrary, that change can only intensify love in his heart. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy He felt at the same time that his respect for her was diminished while his sense of her beauty was intensified. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy His despair was even intensified by the consciousness that he was utterly alone in his sorrow. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy That pang was intensified by the strange feeling of physical pity for her set up by her tears. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy Towards the end of the race every one was in a state of agitation, which was intensified by the fact that the Tsar was displeased. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy And for all that, at the same point in her memories, the feeling of shame was intensified Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy

В следующем выпуске: various or different or dissimilar or manifold

Modern English Grammar ___back

Этот раздел посвящен не грамматике английского языка как таковой, а ее нюансам и тем тонкостям, на которые большинство изучающих обычно не обращает внимания. Конечно, Вас могут понять и без знания этих нюансов, но разве можно, занимаясь чем-либо всерьез, не стремиться к совершенству!!

1.Употребление неопределенного артикля вместо числительного one придает высказыванию более разговорный характер:

I wanna live for a hundred years.

The trip lasted exactly one hundred days.

2. Неопределенное местоимение everyone является синонимом местоимения everybody. Оба эти местоимения служат для обозначения людей. Словосочетание every one обычно относиться к неодушевленным предметам:

I’d like everyone to be happy.

She took my bottles of wine and broached every one.

3. В современном языке, особенно в разговорном стиле, избегают употребления наречий long (см.#5) и far во временном значении в утвердительных предложениях. Наречие far в таких случаях обычно заменяют словосочетанием a long way. В вопросах же и отрицательных предложениях far звучит вполне естественно:

We walked a long way.

How far did you walked?

I live a long way from the centre of town.

I don’t live far from the centre of town?

Употребление far является нормой и в утвердительных предложениях, однако только после наречий степени too и so, а также в сочетании as far as:

You’ve gone too far.

I haven’t had any problems so far.

He walked as far as the shop.



В этом разделе собраны наиболее употребляемы фразы с каким либо словом. Запоминание и использование обиходных фраз - одно из самых важных мест в дальнейшем изучении языка. Некоторые же фразы просто нельзя, а порой, и просто невозможно правильно перевести на другой язык используя переводы отдельных слов. Примеров предостаточно…

barber's cat – болтун, трепло

bell the cat – брать на себя ответственность в риске

care killed the cat – не работа старит, а забота

enough to make a cat laugh – способный мертвого рассмешить

it rains cats and dogs – дождь льет как из ведра

lead a cat and dog life – жит как кошка с собакой

let the cat out of the bag – выболтать секрет

no room to swing a cat – негде повернуться, яблоку негде упасть

see which way the cat jumps – выжидать куда ветер подует

that cat won't jump – этот номер не пройдет

turn cat in the pan – стать перебежчиком

wild cat company – компания, занимающаяся аферами

В следующем выпуске: dog or point or sink


В этом разделе отражены полезные словосочетания, обороты, фразы и просто слова, которые встретились мне при чтении деловых журналов, газет, буклетов, рекламных проспектов, коммерческих писем, контрактов etc. Если Вы хотите чувствовать себя свободно в мире деловой информации – читайте, запоминайте и используйте материал данного раздела.

It is time to sum up. – Время подводить итоги.

Some had… Others had… The firm relates to this particular group. К этой группе относится и эта фирма

in the direction of Vienna – в направлении Вены.

But that is only half a deed – это только пол дела

,the fact being characteristic of charter travels - , что присуще чартерным перевозкам

operate an aircraft – эксплуатировать ВС

various quality catering – качественное разнообразное питание

all flights have been timely operated - полеты всех рейсов проходили точно по расписанию

to build one’s work in such a way that… +would… так строить свою работу, чтобы…

to come up to one’s expectations – оправдать ч.л. надежды

to carry – осуществлять перевозку

on a commercial basis – на коммерческой основе

the airline’s park has scores of Il-62 and Tu-154 – парк авиакомпании состоит из Ил-62 и Ту-154

to carry out flights – осуществлять полеты

to deliver passengers – доставлять пассажиров

to arrange flight – организовывать полет

to open new routes – открывать новые рейсы

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