Deepen [di:pn]
- усиливать(ся),становиться
интенсивнее, громче, насыщеннее, темнее и т.д.
- And accordingly the darkness deepened.
At ten paces not an object was visible.
Соответственно, и стало темнее, да так что в десяти шагах не было
втдно ничего.
- The dusk gradually deepened
and the shades of evening closed in, but Mimi did not seem to notice
or to care. Постепенно наступали сумерки, а заодно и вечерняя прохлада,
но Мими, казалось, не замечала этого или ее это просто не интересовало.
- "Why did you leave us then?" she asked, dropping her eyes as
the flush deepened on his face. "What became of you?" The
Magic Skin, by Honore de Balzac
- "For a man as sincerely in love as I was, the silence and simplicity
of the life, the almost conventual regularity with which the same
things are done daily at the same hours, only deepened and
strengthened love. The Country Doctor, by
Honore de Balzac
- …and it had deepened the girl's horror of Billy Byrne
until it now amounted to little short of an obsession. The
Mucker, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- His sorrow had deepened this to a sullen moroseness that
could not brook even the savage companionship of the ill-natured
baboons. The Son of Tarzan, by Edgar Rice
- The circle about us deepened with eager listeners, who
uttered exclamations when Maisonville, between his answers, put
up his hand to his bleeding head. The Crossing, by Winston Churchill
The eyes deepened to blue as she regarded him. The
Moon Pool, by Abraham Merritt…
- the layer of dust had deepened and thickened to such an
extent that more than once Presley was obliged to dismount and
trudge along on foot, pushing his bicycle in front of him. + But
she had lost none of her womanliness; rather, the contrary. Adversity
had softened her, as well as deepened her. Presley saw that
very clearly. The Octopus, by Frank Norris
- …- until we turned up at last into our road as the dusk deepened
into night. Vailima Letters, by Robert Louis
- I set to with pick and shovel, and deepened the pool behind
the shaft, till we were sure of sufficient water for the morning;
The Silverado Squatters, by Robert Louis