Divers ['daIvWz] - разный, различный, разнообразный
~ ‘noun’, ~ of ‘noun’
- Taking into consideration the mean of observations made at divers times…Принимая во внимание среднее значение наблюдений зделанных в разное время…
- You do not know that divers accidents, caused by collisions with your submarine machine, have excited public feeling in the two continents. Вы не знаете, что различные аварии, вызванные столкновением с вашим подводным сооружением, взволновали общественность на обоих континетах.
- … green pearls, yellow, blue, and black pearls, the curious productions of the divers molluscs of every ocean……зеленый, желтый, синий и черный жемчуг – необычные творения разнообразных малюсков всех океанов.
- Conseil was just dragging, and his net came up filled with divers ordinary shells, when, all at once, he saw me plunge my arm quickly into the net, to draw out a shell, and heard me utter a cry. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne
- Did he alone represent France in this mysterious association, evidently composed of individuals of divers nationalities? 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne
- "Ah, my King, that was easy, since I used it divers days." The Prince and the Pauper, by Mark Twain
- Here is a constant stream of men poured forth from five hundred different places; they will interpret the spirit of the law in divers manners, and there should be a unity of conception in the law. The Country Doctor, by Honore de Balzac
- He took no part in counsels based on heraldry, nor in the inditing of letters addressed to divers mighty personages of the day; but he had spent the night in writing to an old friend of his, one of the oldest established notaries of Paris. The Collection of Antiquities, by Honore de Balzac
- These were the native guides impressed into the service of Kultur and upon their poor, bruised bodies Kultur's brand was revealed in divers cruel wounds and bruises. Tarzan the Untamed, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Around him stood fifty Mamelukes, white slaves, clothed in silks of divers sorts, holding their drawn swords in their hands. The Arabian Nights, by Sir Richard Burton
- Nuno Alfonso was almost as distinguished in the struggle against the Moors in the reign of Alfonso VII as the Cid had been half a century before in that of Alfonso VI, and was rewarded by divers grants of land in the neighbourhood of Toledo. Don Quixote, by Miqeul de Cervantes
- It is not proper to enter here into the particulars of what part of the colony of Virginia we settled in, for divers reasons; it may suffice to mention that we went into the great river Potomac, the ship being bound thither; and there we intended to have settled first, though afterwards we altered our minds. Moll Flanders, by Daniel Defoe
- We entered a large hall, and having twice or thrice rung a bell which nobody answered, walked without further ceremony through the rooms on the ground floor, as divers other gentlemen (mostly with their hats on, and their hands in their pockets) were doing very leisurely. American Notes, by Charles Dickens
- Gas looming through the fog in divers places in the streets, much as the sun may, from the spongey fields, be seen to loom by husbandman and ploughboy. Bleak House, by Charles Dickens
- We arrived at the place of rendezvous at the appointed time, and found the glass coaches and the little boys quite ready, and divers young ladies and young gentlemen looking anxiously over the breakfast-parlour blinds, who appeared by no means so much gratified by our approach as we might have expected, but evidently wished we had been somebody else. Sketches of Young Gentlemen, by Charles Dickens
- Soon divers members of the hunt appeared on the scene, and it was evident from their movements that the chase had been stultified by general puzzle-headedness as to the whereabouts of the intended victim. The Woodlanders, by Thomas Hardy
- M. Clausel de Montals differed on divers points from M. Clausel de Coussergues Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo
- I had to explore Crooked Lane and divers little alleys and elbows and dark passages with which this old city is perforated like an ancient cheese, or a worm-eaten chest of drawers. The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., by Washington Irving
- Divers times we filled the flask that afternoon. All I had was twenty cents, but I put it up like a man, though with secret regret at the enormous store of candy it could have bought. John Barleycorn, by Jack London
- The discoloration was stubborn, persisting half a month, in which time happened divers events of importance. The Valley of the Moon, by Jack London
- Tummasook and the woman Ipsukuk rolled on the ground in pain, and with them there were divers others, also Moosu. The Faith of Men, by Jack London
- For divers reasons, the capitalist class lacks this cohesion or solidarity, chief among which is the optimism bred of past success. War of the Classes, by Jack London How King Arthur pulled out the sword divers times. Le Mort d'Arthur, vol. 1, by Thomas Malory
- So we departed, and divers of the said knights and squires went with us to see us safe on the way. The Well at the World's End, by William Morris.
- …and I remembered what old divers said about drowned people living just so long as they stayed below. Blix, by Frank Norris
- Divers of his own party now rallying and making up to him, the enemies soon retreated. Plutarch's Lives, ed. by A.H. Clough
- Philopoemen finding himself upon this account out of favor with his citizens, induced divers of the little neighboring places to renounce obedience to them Plutarch's Lives, ed. by A.H. Clough
- But Antigonus, fearing the multitude, for nobody was left in the camp, sent ten of his strongest elephants with divers of his Mede and Parthian lances to keep off the press. Plutarch's Lives, ed. by A.H. Clough