Advanced English Официальный сайт рассылки "Продвинутый English"

Enhance [In'hQ:ns] - увеличивать, усиливать

  1. … and greatly to enhance his reputation with the world. …заметно увеличить свою репутацию во всем мире.
  2. The floor was covered with a rich carpet; and two superb mirrors, one above the chimneypiece and one at the opposite end of the room reaching from floor to ceiling, multiplied the other beauties and added new ones of their own to enhance the general effect. Пол был покрыт богатым ковром, а два роскошных зеркала - одно над камином, а другое с противоположной стороны комнаты, простираясь от пола до самого потолка, приумножали другие красоты и добавляли свои новые, от чего общий эффект только усиливался.
  3. These two gentlemen were unusually cheerful just now; for the affair was pretty certain to make some noise, and could scarcely fail to enhance their reputations. Эти двое мужчин были необычнайно веселыми в данный момент, так как это событие должно было определенно наделать много шума и врядли могло бы неповредить росту их репутации…
  4. We discuss central bank independence as a device to enhance this credibility, examine the performance of the Bank of England in setting interest rates, and explain the rise in popularity of inflation targets. … Мы обсуждаем независимость Центрального Банка как возможность увеличения этого доверия, проверки деятельности Банка Англии в области установления процентных ставок…
  5. The Single European Act set 1992 as a deadline for eliminating market segmentation within the EU, fostering competition and enhanced opportunities for trade. Этот Единый Европейский Акт определяет 1992 год, как конечный срок для устранения торговых границ внутри ЕС, стимулируя тем самым развитие конкуренции и расширение возможностей для торговли.
  • Perhaps a sentiment of which women are never utterly divested prescribed to them the cloak of modesty to heighten and enhance the charms of wantonness. The Magic Skin, by Honore de Balzac
  • If we knew what the process was, science and art would both be gainers. Whatever extends science enhances art. Gambara, by Honore de Balzac
  • I had come to the surface, then, beyond the city, and my chances for escape seemed much enhanced. At the Earth's Core, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
  • This light enhanced the scarlet of the flag, with an indescribable and terrible purple. Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo, trans. Isabel F. Hapgood
  • This gave a singularly urban quality to this secluded place, a quality that was greatly enhanced by the fact that a number of paths paved with black and white stones, and each with a curious little kerb at the side, ran hither and thither in an orderly manner. The Country of the Blind , by H. G. Wells.
  • Given that much, the Tank will enormously enhance the advantage of the new offensive method on the French front; War and the Future, by H. G. Wells

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