Advanced English Официальный сайт рассылки "Продвинутый English"

Multifarious [,mAltI'fFqrIqs] - разный, различный, разнообразный

~ ‘noun’

  1. Among the multifarious duties which Bathsheba had voluntarily imposed upon herself, was the particular one of looking round the homestead before going to bed, to see that all was right and safe for the night. Среди различных обязанностей, которые она добровольно возложила на себя, была одна особенная, которая заключалась в осмотре усадьбы перед тем как лечь спать для того, чтобы убедиться что все нормально и можно спать в безопасности.
  • She set the drawers right; and then turned to the multifarious litter on a side-table. No Name, by Wilkie Collins
  • The foreigner lifted his hands and eyes to heaven. Oh, multifarious Providence! Man and Wife, by Wilkie Collins
  • Nina saw only the same manifestations of love and hate and of sordid greed chasing the uncertain dollar in all its multifarious and vanishing shapes. Almayer's Folly, by Joseph Conrad
  • Here Stephen wandered among the multifarious tombstones and looked in at the chancel window, dreaming of something that was likely to happen by the altar there in the course of the coming month. A Pair of Blue Eyes, by Thomas Hardy
  • "But I must think of starting in business on my own hook with the new year, or a little later. And before I get involved in the multifarious details of my new position, I should like to have secured my partner." Tess of the d'Urbervilles, A Pure Woman, by Thomas Hardy
  • Thus John Endicott was a man of multifarious business, and had no time to look back regretfully to his native land. Grandfather's Chair, by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Mrs. Kennicott confided to Ye Scribe that she will be connected with one of the multifarious war activities now centering in the ation's Capital for a brief period before returning. Main Street, by Sinclair Lewis
  • It bore the postmark of San Francisco, where Pinkerton was already struggling to the neck in multifarious affairs. The Wrecker, by Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne
  • As manifested in the plays, this legal knowledge and learning had therefore a special character which places it on a wholly different footing from the rest of the multifarious knowledge which is exhibited in page after page of the plays. What is Man? and other essays, by Mark Twain

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