- 1. Плата за проезд 2. Пассажир 3. Диета 4. Пища.
- 1. Жить, поживать 2. Преуспевать, достигать результата 3. Есть,
- 1. Баран 2. Таран
- 1. Трамбовать, уплотнять 2. Заполнять, наводнять (о людях) 3. Вбивать,
вколачивать, вдалбливать, вгонять 4. Запихивать, втискивать 5. Плотно
натягивать, нахлобучивать 6. Направлять, пускать на пролом (машину,
в словосочетаниях в значении цель, причина, мотив.
употребляемые фразы:
God's sake -
ради бога 1) For God's sake tell
me, is she out of danger, or is she not? 2) If you have anything
to give me to eat, for God's sake
give it me, and after I have eaten I will do all you ask in acknowledgment
of the goodwill you have displayed towards me.
Heaven's sake
– ради Бога, ради всего святого 1) "For
Heaven's sake, don't stop speaking to her here!"
she exclaimed, impatiently. 2) "For
Heaven's sake, don't speak of him any more!" she
cried out. 3) "For heaven's sake
keep quiet, and I'll let you have your way," Sheldon cried.
of fare
- меню 1) I had hallucinations of hash and visions of ham, and I
kept saying to myself all the time, 'What'll you have to eat, Jeff?--what'll
you order now, old man, when the waiter comes?' I picks out to myself
all sorts of favourites from the bill of
fare, and imagines them coming. I guess it's that way
with all hungry men. 2) A handful of salt on the not over-clean table
constituted his butter. Into it he dipped his bread, mouthful by
mouthful, and washed it down with tea from a big mug. A piece of
fish completed his bill of fare.
He ate silently, looking neither to right nor left nor across at
фразы также не редко встречаются:
- вот это да, вот тебе раз, ну и ну 1)"Good Lord! what's that?"
said Aunt Chloe, starting up and hastily drawing the curtain. "My
sakes alive, if it an't Lizy!
2) "Sakes alive, I hope
it ain't HANNER?" 3) "Sakes alive!"
said Arabella. "What's that?" said Cartlett. "Who
do you think that couple is? 4) "Sakes
alive!" said the American gentleman, almost in an
awed tone. Then he added, "Are there two maniacs here?"
Значительно реже можно встретить следующие
the sake of making money
– из-за денег. It ain't for the sake of making money, though money
is ever welcome.
the sake of convenience
- для удобства 1) For the sake of convenience
I have myself given names to the various Folk I was more closely
in contact with 2) The statistics of this division are fractional;
so let us, for the sake of convenience,
make them roughly approximate.
old sake's sake
– в память прошлого 1) Then you can come back and we'll talk for
old sake's sake. 2) Spare us a month or two for
old sake's sake, and make my wife and me happy and proud.
has fared ill with him
– ему плохо пришлось. "Now," I said, "it
has fared ill with those soldiers of the Black One who
is gone, for I think that these are the shields they bore, and that
their eyes once looked upon the world through the holes in yonder
фразы, если и используются, то очень редко:
- дополнительная плата; you may go farther
and fare worse - от добра добра не ищут; fare
dodging - безбилетный проезд; to
charge a fare - назначать плату; at
a reduced fare - по льготному тарифу, за льготную плату;
milk the ram – ждать от козла
молока; to ram into somebody
– вбить в голову; to ram home an idea
— втолковать кому-л. что-л., какую-л. мысль; for
conscience sake- для успокоения совести; for
the sake of glory – ради славы