Advanced English Официальный сайт рассылки "Продвинутый English"

Продвинутый English


[noun] - 1. Сточная труба 2. Низина и др.
[verb] - 1. Опускаться, падать, убывать, снижаться 2. Тонуть, погружаться 3. Погружаться, с головой уйти (в к. л. дело) 4. Деформироваться 5. Впитываться и др.

Наиболее употребляемые фразы:

my heart/spirit sank - я упал духом 1) Should he ever see them again? At this question, to which he dared not reply, his heart sank very low. 2) Oliver's heart sank within him, when he thought of his good friends. 3) When she came into the ship, I thought she would have died indeed; her heart sank at the sight of me, and at the thoughts of parting with me in that condition. 4) Her spirits sank so that at supper Minnie felt that she must have had another hard day. 5) My spirits sank under these words, and I became very downcast and heavy of heart.

Эти фразы также не редко встречаются:

sink or swim - либо пан, либо пропал 1) It's a case of sink or swim for just us two--not any one else--just us--don't you get that? 2) It's sink or swim for all of us, and I reckon you'll find it to your interest to keep me on top the puddle. 3)Don't say that, don't say such things to me; I sink or swim with you.

Значительно реже можно встретить следующие фразы:

sink into the mind - врезаться в память Who can tell how scenes of peace and quietude sink into the minds of pain-worn dwellers in close and noisy places, and carry their own freshness, deep into their jaded hearts!

sink into a reverie - задуматься But sometimes they are."--As she said this, she sunk into a reverie for a few moments.

to sink into oblivion / obscurity - быть забытым, быть преданным забвению 1) At length he recollected the whole hideous scene at the stake, and finally recalled the strange white figure in whose arms he had sunk into oblivion. 2) I think his name was Shakespeare. I presume he soon sunk into oblivion." 3) I know likewise that writers of travels, like dictionary-makers, are sunk into oblivion by the weight and bulk of those who come after, and therefore lie uppermost.

to sink into poverty - впасть в нищету 1) They, like opium-eaters, all sink into poverty, whereas if they had been kept up to the mark by the stern demands of life, they might have been great men. 2) "Ere long, having sunk into poverty through the insufficiency of the money allowed him by this actress, he seriously compromised his brother-in-law.

to sink into the grave - сойти в могилу 1) Slowly and peacefully, the father sank into the grave, and, soon after, the sharer of all his cares and troubles followed him to a place of rest. 2) The other a handsome, manly fellow, obviously a soldier; and at last, prosperous in their dignified retirement, beloved by their descendants, after a happy, not unuseful life, in the fullness of their age they would sink into the grave.

Эти фразы, если и используются, то очень редко:

to sink a debt - погасить долг; to sink a fact - скрыть факт; to sink into a faint - упасть в обморок; to sink a feud - помириться, прекратить вражду; to sink one's own interests - не думать о своих интересах; to sink money in - ухлопать, невыгодно поместить деньги; to sink the shop - скрывать свои знания, свою профессию; to sink a controversy - уладить спор

Продвинутый English

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