Past Perfect Tense
- Для выражения действия, которое происходило в прошлом до какого-либо прошедшего момента или периода: By 3 o'clock he had answered only half the letters he had received. In 1950 he had been married (for) ten years. On reaching the station, he found that his friends had just arrived. When we arrived on the field, the match had already started. They had been to several parties during the Christmas holidays.
- В косвенной
речи, если вводящий ее глагол стоит в прошедшем времени Present
Perfect и Simple Past заменяются предпрошедшим, при этом наречие
ago заменяется на before, earlier, previously (ранее): I have
already read that book. - She told me that she had already read
that book. They left the district a few months ago. - l was told
that they had left the district a few months before. Where have
you been? What have you been doing? - He asked me where I had been
and what I had been doing. He died 2 days ago. - They told me that
he had died two days before.
- Чтобы
было ясно, какое из двух событий завершилось раньше другого:
When he had had his supper he went to bed. Note: если последовательность
событий и так ясна, то можно оба действия выражать в Simple Past.
Tак бывает, как правило, в сложносочиненных предложениях с союзом
before: He opened the window before he got into bed. The bus started
just before I reached the bus stop. Note: cpавните: When she entered
the hall, the orchestra played the National Anthem, (одновременно)
и When the Anthem had been played, the concert began (после того,
- С глаголами
hope, expect, think, intend, mean (намереваться), suppose, want,
когда сообщается, что надежды, намерения, желания неосуществились:
We had hoped that you would be able to visit us. (A мы то надеялись,
что…). I had meant (intended) to call on you, but was prevented
from doing so. (Я собирался зайти к вам, но мне помешали сделать
это). She had thought us a visit but the bad weather made her change
her plans. (Она предполагала нанести нам визит, но погода заставила
ее изменитъ планы). I had not expected that. (Я не ожидал этого).
They had wanted to help but couldn't get here in time. We had intended
to go Wales this summer. (Мы было думали поехать туда этим летом).
Note: для выражения не оправдавшихся и неосуществившихся
надежд используется также сочетание личного глагола в прошедшем
времени с перфектным инфинитивом. Чаще, однако, используются личные
глаголы в прошедшем времени: I meant (intended) to have called
on you but...We intended to have gone Wales...