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§ 84. Место в предложении наречий образа действия , придающих качественную характеристику глаголам, типа: mainly, largely, markedly, readily, easily, accurately, slowly, gradually, closely, effectively, immediately, reversibly, exclusively, satisfactorily, normally, unequivocally, unambiguously, tentatively, virtually.
Как и наречия времени, эти наречия не имеют определенного места в предложении.
In other cases, where some of the products do not crystallise easily, these could not be isolated.
Osmium pentafluoride melts at 70° to a green, viscous liquid which does not easily recrystallise. The liquid changes colour reversibly as the temperature is raised and at the boiling point (233°)
is bright blue. Osmium pentafluoride can be handled and stored in glass under rigorously dry conditions. This cannot readily be achieved without introducing steps the chemistry of which cannot be visualised in detail. Analytical results prove that reduction occurs more readily in 24n- than in. 6n-sulphuric acid. Their susceptibilities obey a Curie law quite closely. The liquids selected do not follow the principle of corresponding states accurately and it is concluded that their intermolecular forces are not conformal. The pronounced effect of additions of acetaldehyde shows it to give more vigorous branching than crotonaldehyde despite the fact that radical attack takes place preferentially on the latter. In another experiment, ammonia and ammonium chloride were added and the ammonia was immediately removed at low temperature to minimise ammonolysis of the aminoborine. At room temperature, the solid gradually lost hydrogen. As is to be expected, this effect is displayed most markedly by the strongest acid used. The ultraviolet and infrared spectra of ocotine are closely related to those of sepeerine and rodiasine. The group is found to consist of molecules all of which are effectively spherical. It is virtually identical with the spectrum given by a solution of acetophenone and m-dinitrobenzene in alkali of the same concentration. This model has mainly been built up from physical evidence. For condensed phases, however, conformity of physical properties to corresponding states has not been so extensively investigated. Previous «rules» relating to the entropy of vaporisation have been concerned mainly with the entropy difference between a liquid and vapour. This lack of interest has been largely due to the difficulty of synthesis. In most cases iodometric thiol determinations showed that acylation had occurred almost exclusively on thehydroxyl rather than on a thiol group. The titanium atom is normally considered to have a covalency maximum of six. The presence of these compounds has not been established unequivocally. At these temperatures the reaction is complex, and it is difficult to set up a mechanism which satisfies unambiguously all the observed facts. Ocotine can be assigned tentatively the molecular formula С35Нз8Лт2Ов. It is tentatively suggested that, in the solid, the anions are polymeric. They suggest the formation of B-H bonds in the pyrolysis product, which might therefore be tentatively formulated as follows. The structure of the long-known series of compounds has never been satisfactorily explained.
Следующий отрывок иллюстрирует разные варианты расположения наречий образа действия в группе сказуемого:
Although acid-hydrolysis of the product KH2N, B2H6 was fairly rapid, alkaline hydrolysis was slow and incomplete. The solid salt slowly evolved hydrogen at 150°, but no diborane or borazole. Tri-methylamine reacted very slowly and incompletely. These facts do not support a formula KH3B—NH2-BH3 for the salt, from which diborane or borazole would be expected as pyrolysis products, from
which trimethylamine might readily remove a borane group as Me3N' BH3, and which would be hydrolysed readily in acid or alkaline solution.
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