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Однако дело не обстоит так в случае З-фенил-2-пентил-тозила-тов. «This is not so, however, in the case of the 3-phenyl-2-pentyl tosylates».
Тем не менее было трудно получить однозначное прямое подтверждение для наличия амино-группы. «Unequivocal direct confirmation for the presence of an amino-group was nevertheless difficult to obtain».
Еще примеры:
Quantum-mechanical tunnelling in proton-transfer should be more easily detected the lower the temperature, and it is therefore of interest to measure the rates of such reactions at temperatures as low as possible.
We have also shown that with Grignard reagents aromatic thiol-acids give triarylmethanethiols.
We have now examined in some detail the reaction of titanium (IV) chloride with three primary aliphatic amines.
We have in fact found that solvolysis is greater with primary than with secondary amines. Both types of structure, however, contain phosphorus in three different environments, and should therefore exhibit three nuclear magnetic resonances. Only the intramolecular second moment was therefore calculated from the published data. At temperature above the optimum, on the other hand, the reaction takes place more rapidly but the catalyst is more rapidly destroyed. A given carbohydrase, on the other hand, has always the same optimum pH, even when acting upon different substrates.
Тем не менее нередко возможны случаи употребления вводных слов в начале предложения.
It may be that an internal radical or ion rearrangement is occurring. Alternatively the radical might be formed by attack by D or D+ when the incoming particle might be confined to certain geometrical paths by virtue of the crystal structure. On the other hand there are a number of elements, whose salts form stronger adducts with sulphides than they do with oxygen-ethers. On the other hand, the polymerization initiated by the transformed benzylsodium produced a polymer. Further, the intensity of the characteristic peak at 505 m. was a maximum immediately the ketone had been mixed with alkali; in contrast, the intensity of the absorption band in a mixture of acetophenone, m-dinitrobenzene, and alcoholic potassium hydroxide increased steadily with time. Furthermore, spectroscopic examination of the coloured solutions produced in the test shows that the maximum absorption in the visible region is shifted to longer wavelength.
Русские эквиваленты
некоторых английских наречий, характерных для научной п технической литературы
§ 89. However. Л. и М. Физер сравнивают четыре варианта одного предложения с различным положением however1.
1. The Schmidt reaction has been run with as much as six moles of hydrazoic acid at one time, however.
2. However, the Schmidt reaction has been run with as much as six moles of hydrazoic acid at one time.
3. The Schmidt reaction has been run, however, with as much as six moles of hydrazoic acid at one time.
4. The Schmidt reaction, however, has been run with as much asjsix moles of hydrazoic acid at one time.
i. Они отмечают, что в первом случае however занимает незаслуженно важное положение, во втором случае логическое ударение на него не оправдано, в третьем предложении оно становится незаметным и основное ударение падает на at one time. Поскольку данное предложение является частью параграфа, в котором проводится сравнение между реакцией Шмидта и другими реакциями,— заключают они,— наиболее эффективным является четвертый вариант 1, что действительно подтверждается многими примерами при анализе английской научной и технической литературы: In addition to these permissive arguments, however, there is more direct evidence that the hydrogen atom is taking part in the rate-controlling step of the reaction. It has, however, been pointed out that the only available experimental measurements do not support this suggestion.
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