Advanced English Официальный сайт рассылки "Продвинутый English"

Продвинутый English

Страница 68.

Сочетание «to be well spaced» означает «находиться на большом расстоянии друг от друга».
§ 99. Послеглагольные наречия (послелоги). В английском языке часто встречаются наречия, которые по своей форме совпадают с предлогами. Например:
Не is in. «Он дома» (in — наречие).
Не is in the room. «Он находится в комнате» (in — предлог).
Иногда наречия так тесно связаны с глаголами, что образуют с ними единое смысловое целое. В этом случае наречия изменяют значение глагола, после которого они стоят, и соответствуют по функции русским приставкам (ср. ходить, приходить, подходить, переходить, отходить и т. д. ). В английском языке такие «предлоги» (наречия) стоят не перед, а после глагола: to go — идти; to go away — уходить; togoout — выходить; to go in — входить, to go through — проходить; to go over — переходить и т. д.
К числу самых распространенных послеглагольных наречий относятся: about, across, along, around, away, back, by, down, in, on, off, out, over, through, up.
Л. и М. Физер предостерегают от чрезмерного употребления послеглагольных наречий при описании экспериментальной методики. В приведённых ниже примерах они помещают в скобки наречия, которые предлагают опускать 1:
Heating is continued as long as the alcohol distills (over).
. crystallizes (out). precipitates (out).
The material is pressed (down) well with a spatula.
. to evaporate (off) the ether.
Wash (out) the flask with water.
The funnel is rinsed (out) with a little ether.
. fraction boiling (up) to 150°.
При этом они указывают, что «evaporate off» может означать, что эфиру дали возможность испариться в воздух; «rinse out the funnel» — может означать, что колбу надо вымыть только с внешней стороны. Однако «Filter off the precipitate» нельзя сократить в «Filter the precipitate», так как это означало бы не «отфильтровать осадок», а «пропустить осадок через фильтр», и т. п.
П р и м е ч а н и е.
Очень часто за послеглагольным наречием (послелогом) может оказаться предлог. Например:
Эту проблему разрабатывали многие ученые. «This problem was worked out by many scientists».
Он продолжал сидеть на стуле. «Не sat on on the chair».
§ 100. Слова, требующие определенных предлогов. Вопрос об употреблении предлогов является одним из самых сложных при переводе с русского на английский. В этом параграфе приводится перечень английских слов, требующих определенных предлогов2.
1 L. and М. F i е s е г. Op. cit. , p. 2.
2 К. Graham Thomson. The Pan Book of Letter Writing. Lon-bon, 1961; L. and M. F i e z e r. Op. cit. ; etc.
abandoned, to abhorrence, of abhorrent, to abide, at, by, in, with abominable, to abound, in, with abridge, from absent, from
abstain (abstinence) from abut, on accede, to acceptable, to access, to
accessory (accessary) after,
before, to accommodate, to, with, in accompanied, by, with accord (intrans. ), with
(trans. ), to accordance, with according, to account, for, of, to accountable (person), to
(thing), for accuse, of acquaint (acquaintance) with
acquiesce, in, to acquit, of adapt, to add, to address, to adept, in, at adequate, to adhere, to adjacent, to adjourn, at, for, to adjudge, to adjunct, to, of adjust, to admission (access), to
(entrance), into admit, of, to admonish, against, by advantage, of, over adverse, to advise, of, to
advocate, for
affinity, between, to, with
afraid, of
agree (person), with (proposal), to (plans, conditions), upon. agreeable, to aim, at alienate, from allude, to alteration, in, to ambitious, of, to amenable, to analogous, to
analogy, between, to, with angry (person), with (thing),-at
animadvert, on, upon annex, to answer, for, to antecedent, to antipathy, against, between, to
anxious, about, for, to (do something) apologise (person), to (act), for
apology, for, to appeal, from (one) to (another) for (help) appertain, to applicable (apply) to apprehensive, of (danger)
for (oneself) appropriate, to approve, of argue, against, for (person,
opinion), with (someone), on (a subject) arraign, for arrange, for (something), with
(someone) array, against (enemy), in, with (clothes)
arrive, at, in, with ashamed, of, for ask, after, for, of (person), to
(a party)
aspire, to assent, to assimilate, to associate, in, with assure, of astonished, at astride, of atone, for attach, to attack, on attain, to
attend (attentive) to averse (aversion) from, to
ballot, for banish, from, to
banter (someone), for (something) bare, of
bargain, for, with battle, for
bear (argument, event), upon, with; (witness), in favour of, against beguile, of, with, believe, in belong, to bereave, of bestow, on, upon, betray, to (someone), into (doing
something) betroth, to bind, to blame, for
blush, at (oneself), for (others) boast, of border, on, upon born, into (the world) of
(woman), to (good luck) bound, to, for brag, of
call, at, for, on, upon capable, of care, for, to careful, for, to
careless, about, of carp, at catch, at caution, against certain, of change, for, with characteristic, of charge, against, on, with clear, for, from, of coalesce, with, to coincide, in, with comment, on commit, to, for common, to (two or more) commune, with communicate, to, with compare, to, with compatible, with compete, with, at complain, of complement, of comply, with composed, by, of concede, to conceive,w against, of concerned, at, for, about, with concur, in, on, with, at condemn, to condescend, to conduce, to conductive, to confer (bestow, grant), on, upon
confer (consult), on, with confide, ire, to conform (conformable) in conformity, to, with congenial, to congratulate, on, upon connect, with, to conscious, of consecrate, to consent, to consequent, on, upon consign, to consist, ire, of, with consistent, with
consonant, to, with consult, about, with contend, against,*•'• for, with contradiction, in, to contrast (verb), with contrast (noun), between, to conversant, about, in, with convert (change), into convert (cause to change), to convict (convince), of copy, after, from correspond (correspondence) to, with
covered, with, in cure, of
dash, against, into, through, upon
deal, by, in, with debar, from decide, against, in favour of, on
defend, against, from defer (deference) to defiance, of deficiency, of deficient, in defraud, of
delighted, at, in, to, with demand, from, of denounce, for
depend (dependent), on, upon deprive, of derive, from derogate (derogation) from derogatory, to descended, from, of deserving (desirous) of desist, from despair (despoil) of destined, to detach (detract, deviate) from
devolve, on, upon devote; dictate, to die, of (disease), by (famine), for (person, cause)
differ, from (person, thing), in (some quality, opinion), with (someone) difference, between,
(things), in (qualities), on (questions) different, from difficulty, concerning, in diminish, from diminution, of disabled, from disagree, to, with disagreeable, to disappointed, in, with (thing obtained, person), of (thing not obtained) disapprove, of discourage, from discouragement, to, with disengaged, from disgusted, at, with dislike, to, for, of dismiss, from disparagement, to, of dispense, with dispose, of, for, to dispossess, of
dispute, among, between, with disqualify, for, from disregard, of dissastisfied, with, at dissent, from dissimilar, to dissuade, from distinct, from distinguish, between, from distrustful, divested, of divide, between (two), among
(more) dote, on
doubt (doubtful) about, of dwell, at, in, on
eager, after, for, in embark, for, in, upon embellish, with emerge, from
employ, about, in, on emulous; enamoured, of encounter, with encouragement, to encroach, on, upon endeavour, after, to endowed, endued, with engaged, for, in, on, with enter (entrance) into, on,
upon envious, at, of equal, with equivalent, of, to estimated, at
exception, against, from, to excluded, from exclusive, of expelled, from expert, at, in explanation, of exposed, to expressive, of
fall, from, on, upon, under
familiar, to, with
fearful, of
feed, on, upon
fight, against, for, with
filled, with
find fault, with
find a fault, in
fond, of
fondness, for
foreign, to
founded, in (quality), on (fact) free, from, in, of, with friendly, to, with, towards frightened, at, by frown, at, on, upon fruitful, in, of full, of furnished, with
glad, at, of glance, at, over, upon glow; grapple, with grateful, for (favour), to (person)
greedy, of, for grieve, at, for, over, about guard, against, from guilty, of
hanker, after happen, on, to hardened, against, by have regard, to, for healed, of hesitate, to hinder, from hold, in, from, of hope, of, for hostility, to, towards
identical, with ignorant, of immersed, in impart, to
impatient, at, for, of impenetrable, by, to impervious, to impose, on, upon inaccessible, to incapable, of incentive, to incongruous, with inconsistent, with incorporate, into, with independent, of indifferent, to indignant, with (person) at (thing)
indulge, in, with indulgent, to influence, on, over, with inform, about, of initiate (initiation), in, into inquire, about, after, for, of inroad, into insensible, of, to inseparable, from insight; insinuate, into insist, on, upon inspection, of, over, into instruct, in
intent, on, upon interfere, in, with intervene, in, between intimate, with introduce, in, into, to intrude, into, on inured, to invasion, of invested, with
irritated, against, by (person) at, by (thing)
jealous, o/ jeer, at
join, in, to, with
knock, at, on known, to
laden, with land; laugh, at lean, against, on, upon level, with liberal, of, to, with liken, to
live, at, in, on, with loaded, with long, after, for
made; make sure, of meddle, with mediate, between meditate, on, upon meet, with militate, against mingle, with minister, to mistrustful, of mix, with
necessary, for, to need; neglectful, of negotiate, with
obedient, to object,
against, to oblivious; observant, of
obtrude, on, upon obvious, to offend, against offensive; offer, to operate, on opposite, to, of overwhelm, by, with
parcel, among, out parley, with part, from, with partake, of partial, to partiality, for, to participate, in, of passion, for
patient, of, under, with paved, with pay, for peculiar, to
penetrate, into, through persevere, in pertain, to pitch, to
play, on, upon, with pleasant, to plunge, into possessed, on, upon, pour, into, on praise (noun), for pray, for, with predisposed, to, towards predominate, in, over prefer, to, above, before preferable, to preference, above, before,
over, to prefix, to pregnant, with prejudice, against prejudicial, to prepare, for preserve, for, from preside, over press; presume, on, upon pretence, of pretend, to
prevail (persuade), on, upon, with (overcome), against, over prevent, from previous, to prey, on, upon prior, to productive, of profit, by « profitable; prone, to pronouncement, against (person), on (thing) propose, to
protect (others), from (oneself),
against protest,; against proud, of
provide, against, for, with proximity, to purge, of, from pursuance; pursuit, of pursuant, to
quarrel, about, among, with quarter, on, upon questioned, by, on, about
rail, at
reckon, on, with recline, on, upon recoil, from reconcile, to, with recover, from reduce, to, under refer, to
reflect, on, upon refrain, from regard, for, to regret, for regular, in
rejoice, at, in, on account of relate, to
release; relieve, from relevant, to relish, for, of rely, on remain, at, in remark, on, upon
remit, to remonstrate,
(thing), for (action), with (person) remove, from repent, of replete, with repose, on repugnant, to rescue, from resemblance, between, to resistance, to resolve, on, upon rest, at, in, on restore, from, to restrain, from result, from, in retire, from, to rich, in rid, rob, of rove, about, over rub, against rule, over rush, against, on, upon, to, out of
sated, satiated; satisfied; saturated, with saved, from seek, after, for, to seize, on, upon send, for, to sensible, of sensitive, to sick; significant, of similar, to
sink, beneath, in, into sit, in, on, upon skilful, at, in snap; snatch; sneer, at solicitous, about, for sorry, for stay, at, in, with stick, by, to strip, of strive, against, for, with subject; submissive; submit, to
subsequent, to substitute, for, by subtract; suffer, from suitable, for, to superior, to surprised, at, by suspected, by, of susceptible (admitting), of susceptible (sensitive), to swerve, from sympathise, with
take account, of tamper, with

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