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Продвинутый English

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«Our experiments have led to the tentative conclusion that these mixed solvent systems facilitate cellulose reactions».
В настоящее время нельзя предположить никакой определенной формы колебаний, отвечающей этому соотношению, следовательно, это соотношение следует считать лишь предварительным.
«No particular vibrational mode can be suggested at present which might account for this correlation which must therefore be regarded as a tentative one».
Наречие tentatively, соответственно, можно употребить при переводе русских наречий «предварительно», «предположительно», «в порядке опыта», «временно», «ориентировочно». Например:
Помимо этого, некоторые исследователи отметили слабую полосу и предположительно отнесли ее к добавочному NH поглощению. «In addition, the weak band was noted by some workers and assigned tentatively to an additional NH absorption».
Можно получить дальнейшие данные относительно правильности ориентировочно предполагаемой электродной реакции. «Further evidence bearing on the correctness of a tentatively assigned electrode reaction can be secured».
§ 83. Место в предложении наречий врем е н и типа: hitherto, generally, previously, recently, already, long, now, then, since, never.
Общепризнано, что наречия времени ставятся перед смысловым глаголом в Present и Past Indefinite, после глагола-связки to be, а в составных глагольных формах стоят после первого вспомогательного (или модального) глагола.
This reduction is generally made by choosing the critical state as the reference state. Such a reaction would generally be held to proceed through a substituted carbonium ion. They generally considered this reaction as proceeding via two routes. We have hitherto studied the metal complexes of the bidentate ligands, 2,2'-bipyri-dyl and 1,10-phenanthroline. The simple modification of Trouton's rule has not previously been employed as a basis for the comparison
of liquids. We have previously given reasons for disfavouring this model. The other solution is that of Melander and Myhre, who have recently pointed out, that the unsymmetrical «structure» of composition SH+ need not correspond to a potential minimum along the reaction co-ordinate. The rates have already been measured at +20° by a rapid-reaction technique. Evidence that these reactions are proton-transfers has already been given. The first stable crystalline ethoxyformic anhydrides have only recently been reported, although two methoxyformic anhydrides with similar properties have long been known. We have now developed an apparatus to follow reactions photometrically at temperatures down to —140°. We have then examined the lability of the bis-series of complexes. It has since been shown that this result is not confined to the aqueous acids first studied. There has since been little systematic work on the complexes formed by this interesting ligand.
Однако в научной и технической литературе очень часто наречия времени ставятся после второго и даже после третьего глагола в составных глагольных формах.
Since Werner's time it has been generally assumed that sulphur-metal bonds are involved in such compounds. Spectroscopic studies of «living» polystyrene have been recently reported by Ku-wata. The infrared spectrum of N'-, N", N'"-triethylborazole has not been previously described. Filter-sheet separations on 3MM paper were effected on paper which had been previously extracted. We have now prepared a series of dimercapto-alkanols, the only other representative of this class to have been prepared hitherto being l,3-dimercaptopropan-2-ol, 3,4-dimercaptobutan-l-ol, and 4,5-dimercaptopental-l-ol. The two glycosides have been isolated previously from the bark of Engelhardtia formosana engelitin and isoengelitin. In particular, the magnetic properties of ammonium vanadium alum have been studied previously.

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